Last weekend I felt like I took a huge leap forward in my parenting journey. In Sudbury, ballroom dancing classes are offered to all sixth grade students. During the course of six lessons, the eleven and twelve year olds in our town learn etiquette, social skills and classic dance steps. On Friday evenings the middle school cafeteria is transformed into a ballroom, filled with girls in their Sunday best and boys milling around in khakis, blazers and ties. The program is a huge success, with few missing the opportunity to better themselves in the area of elegance and sophistication . Last Friday was the first event, and Emilie and all of her friends were signed up and ready to dance. I dropped Emilie off at her friend Jackie's house for a pre-dance party. The girls had snacks, got ready together and arrived in a group, which was the main purpose of this pre-dance event. After the event I was the lucky mother who picked the girls up. They jumped in the car and immediately exchanged stories from the evening. "That was a little awkward." "Mike's hands were so sweaty!" "You were so lucky! You got to dance with Cassie's cousin!" The girls exclaimed. They all agreed that the night was full of excitement and they were looking forward to the next dance. I brought the girls home to our house for pizza and sundaes. Apparently they hadn't had enough dancing because they turned up the music and danced and sang to "He Could Be the One," "Hoe Down Throw Down," and "All the Single ladies."

Although I wondered if Emilie was a little young for a ballroom dance, I reminded myself of Cotillion that the children attended in my neighborhood as sixth graders and the stomps in the Bryant Junior High cafeteria. We danced to songs like "Walk Like an Egyptian" and "Lady in Red." I remember Jared Johnson tripping over my shoes while we danced and Mr. Trajio, the principal, prying apart couples who were dancing too close together. I am sure my friends exclaimed how lucky some us were for our dance partner choices and how unfortunate the social awkwardness of others was. I am also sure that, if given the opportunity, we all would have benefited from a few Sudbury ballroom dance lessons!
Emilie...you look beautiful, but way to old for my first Grandaughter! I can hardly wait to hear about your adventures. Love you, Grandma E.
Emilie--you're becoming one of the "single ladies!" How exciting, and how pretty you look in that green dress. Any boy would be lucky to dance with you! Love, Grandma Gretta
You look gorgeous Emilie! Have fun dancing with those boys...
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