Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Bard

When I was in college, my grandma invited me on a Shakespeare tour of England. As an English teaching major, this sounded like the perfect opportunity to gain experience to share with my students, as well as to create more memories with my grandma. Unfortunately the trip never took place due to a fall by my grandmother and a professor who wouldn't approve two weeks missed of student teaching. I always have felt bad that we missed the opportunity. So when I mapped out our time in England, I made sure that we spent time in Stratford upon Avon, Shakespeare's birthplace. We visited his family's house where he was born, wandered through a statue garden on the River Avon with characters from Shakespeare's plays memorialized in bronze, strolled through the town and had fish and chips for dinner.  
Bedroom where all eight Shakespeare children were born
In the Shakespeare home an actress preformed monologues from Shakespeare's plays. We were able to suggest any play and she came up with a section to act. Jonathan was her subject in Hamlet.


Jenny and Jonny said...

Glad you finally made it! I can tell Jono's got a bright future in acting...

Gretta Spendlove said...

Your kids will always remember having stopped at Shakespeare's house. What a good choice! I love the photo of Shakespeare's birthday card and of Jono with the actress. I envy you that stop! Mom