Thursday, May 24, 2012

A Double Celebration!

 We celebrated both Mia's birthday and Steve's arrival to Europe in Vienna. Steve was waiting for us in our hotel in Vienna when we pulled up, late at night. The entire car load could not contain themselves! The kids hadn't seen their dad in almost three months and I simply wanted my husband with me! I am sure he felt an abundance of overwhelming love when we arrived!
Mia turned three the day before Steve arrived, but we didn't tell her. We waited for her big day until Steve could be with us to wish her a happy birthday. It was great to be a family again after nine months of living in different cities.


SJ said...

and this time Steve arrived in Italy, he didn't have to request his luggage from Rio.

Gretta Spendlove said...

What a great photo of Steve and the kids! I can only imagine how thrilled you were to see him! Mom