Sunday, June 15, 2008

. . . And Here's To Great Men

Happy Father's Day 
We celebrate your love and example ! 

David Spendlove

Complete dedication- I remember each morning you waking us up for school, always in your running clothes, sometimes with ice in your hair. Without fail you ran at least ten miles before anyone in the family awoke. You have been running for twenty-five years. Amazing! 

Benevolent- Early Sunday mornings for several years you packed your ham in a brown bag and headed out the door in rain, snow, wind or shine. Whether one of us came with you or not, you drove down to the Fourth South Viaduct to help the shelter feed the homeless people. A few years ago, during the aftermath of the random Salt Lake tornado, I called home to see if all was well. You didn't answer. I should have known that you had taken Mike, Jonny, and a few shovels, and driven around to help others dig out from fallen trees and collapsed roofs. You always love and accept everyone, despite their circumstances.

Humorous- I never appreciated how lucky I was during the Viking hat era, but now I cherish each entertaining story we can tell about our fun dad! I will always remember the Christmas morning  you pulled the brittle tree out the door, seconds after the last gift was unwrapped in the name of "fire hazard." After protesting your lack of Christmas spirit for a year, I showed up that next Christmas morning to see the tree already in the gutter, with a few lonely strands of tinsel flapping in the wind. I stomped out of the car and threw open the front door to find the real Christmas tree next to the fireplace in all its twinkling splendor! For you, a great practal joke never requires too much effort!

Love of Family- I am fully confident that there is simply nothing that you wouldn't do to protect, support or love each one of your children, grandchildren or parents. I couple weeks ago I called you on your way to St. George. You were driving down just to pick up clothes for Grandma for her post-surgery recovery. You drove the four hour trip home the next day because you had to be back in Salt Lake. Our daddy daughter dates to the pancake house thirty years ago have helped teach me the importance of alone time with my children -- they now beg for dates of their own. I will never forget you spending an entire day on your quick trip to Boston to rake our leaves with Steve. I also watched as you used to pick up my children, even if Mom had to work. You took them home, called the pizza man or made "grandpa's famous hamburgers", heated up the hot tub and then built ice cream sundaes. They will remember their Thursday nights at Grandpa and Grandma's forever!

Stable- Whenever I am on the verge of being very irresponsible, I am reminded  of your good  example. You were always the one who made sure that the car was full of gas, the snow tires were on, we had our lunches and shoes that fit. You picked up the Halloween candy, as not to disapoint even the earliest Halloween ghost. You made sure, the day before a trip, we were all packed and that as little as possible would be chaotic. I remember you sitting at the study desk making sure that each bill was paid on time. You are never late, sometimes having to arrive alone, and I don't think that there could ever be a chance that you would miss a flight. (We'll keep private how early you arrive at the airport!) I always know that there is no chance that you would forget a commitment that you make -- I know that if something critical needs to be done, you are the man I need to talk to!

Dad, I love you and strive to emulate so many of your qualities! Happy Father's Day. I wish I could celebrate with you! 



Alvin F. Ebert 

Hardworking - Whether it was moving large boulders to build our front yard, working on the sprinklers late on Saturday summer nights, or cutting down trees at the cabin, you taught me to work hard, and even more, to do things right.  I remember cutting grandma Ebert's lawn and when you arrived to pick me up, you made me cut it again because I had done a sloppy job. That had a lasting impression on me to do quality work and take pride in what I do.  

Organized - Never-ending "Things To Do" lists, written on yellow legal pads, ensuring every last bill is accounted for when "manually" balancing your checkbook, or keeping track of each pair of your shoes on a sheet of paper and their quality status.   You are one organized fella.  

Sense of Humor - Who could ever forget your retelling of Lehi's Dream in church - waterskiing down the muddy river with Christine's key role in mocking the prideful sinners in the tall building? Classic! I love your sense of humor and find myself often pushing that line between good, funny humor and, well, maybe going too far.  But hey, great comedians have to take chances, eh?

Protector - Other than that fateful trip on I-15 on our way down to St. George in a blizzard (which by the way has scarred me for life), I always felt safe with you around and in control.  And the neighborhood hooligans (okay, Greg Whisenant and Justin Petersen) still shake with fright when remembering the night they encountered "Big Al" with his bat. 

Kind Heart -  Despite a big, strong exterior, you have a huge, kind heart and I used to love to hear your testimonies in church as you transitioned from humor to sincerity and welled up with emotion over something or someone that had touched you.  

Dad, thank you for your great example to me and the impact you have had on my life.  Happy Father's Day!  I love  you!  



Carolyn Ebert said...

What great tributes! We certainly are who we are because of our parents. What a good reminder for me of what I need to be for my kids.

Happy Birthday Steve and Jonathan! We're having Ebert Sunday dinner at our house today to celebrate both your birthdays even though we can't be together. That's how much we miss you! (-No coincidence it happens to be Father's Day.)

marilee said...

great tributes steve and camille! two great dads...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Camille!!!!!!!!! I just really love you.