Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Look familiar?

According to Fodors, this weather beaten lobster shack is the most painted building by artists in the region. Fortunate for us, it is almost in our backyard. Well, okay, an hour north of us but we still claim it. It is on Bearskin Neck in Rockport, a fishing village on Cape Ann. The entire town is incredibly picturesque. The kind of, "I can't believe I'm actually here" place. Or the "we have to bring the grandmas here" type of spot. There are authentic fishing boats dragging up lobster crates just yards off the small peninsula. Charming shops, with flower boxes in the windows, line the one little narrow road that juts out into the Atlantic. Roy Moore's lobster shack serves up the freshest lobster around, and at $15 for a pound and a half, it's a bargain. We sit on crates on the back patio and gulp down clam chowder, stuffed clam shells and crab cakes. Thanks to Grandma Gretta, who is always ready for a new adventure, for helping us discover Motif No. 1, as the lobster shack is appropriately called. And thanks to Grandpa and Grandma Ebert for venturing back up to Rockport with us so that we could justify one more lobster dinner at Roy's . . . and a stop at the candy store . . . and then the ice cream shop! 

On a perfect day, we then head to Wingaersheek Beach. This is the quintessential New England seaside, with salt marshes, wispy beach grass, tide pools, and a lighthouse in the distance. The first time we arrived at Wingaersheek, we immediately knew we had forgotten something. We watched groups of boys scoop crabs and silver fish from the shallow pools with nets. Our kids watched with envy. Last time we went to Wingaersheek, we brought our own nets and scooped up  our own creatures. We collected a myriad of sea animals, discussed which ones would make a good pet or whose abandoned shell house we could turn into a dazzling necklace, and eventually tossed them all back to sea. Grandma and Grandpa tagged along, joining the kids in the tide pools, playing Frisbee in the sand, and watching Ezra scramble to the waves and then dragging him back up to safety. Grandpa even climbed up the lifeguard chair to get the perfect picture with the girls. We celebrate that summer is just days away!      

1 comment:

Carolyn Ebert said...

A lobster shack. I would think I had died and gone to heaven. So fun to see pictures, especially of the kids in action. Keep them coming!