Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Baby Facts

Sophia's first portrait of baby #6
(Love those rosy cheeks!)
Steve's first portrait of baby #6
(Love those. . . hmmm, big green eyes?!)

The Facts:

Due date: The official due date is May 29, but it only took a reminder of Ezra's 40 minute arrival for the doctor to shave off a week of pregnancy and schedule a controlled environment for the delivery of this little baby. Thus, our new arrival is scheduled to be welcomed May 22. 

Announcements: I hate making announcements, so this time, my system was in place and it ran smoothly. The kids came home from church to each announce that they hadn't told anyone except for their entire primary classes, with Sophia sharing it with the primary presidency. Emilie returned from school with the news that Jonathan had stood up and announced  that his mother was having a baby to all riders on the morning bus route and Emilie, Jonathan and Annelise had made a point of including it in their classes' morning news for the week.  Thus the word is out. 

Reactions: The most common reaction was utter excitement from the children and sweet support from the mothers, a relief for me! I think that my favorite comment was, "Your mom can't have a baby! She already has five", from a boy who is one of six!

First trimester state: extreme fatigue and uncontrollable hunger (note: see Steve's and Sophia's predictions below)

Sophia's emotional state: Much better than the night of the announcement 

Cravings: Prosciutto, Gorgonzola cheese and as much ice water, with a straw, as I can get. 

Teaching moment: Our children were shocked but relieved to know that our baby is currently in the developmental stage of losing its tail, as it forms into a spinal cord. In pure three year old curiosity and innocence, Sophia wondered why Ezra's tail never went away. 

Sophia: Girl, born 12/26/08 @1:00 pm, blond hair, blue eyes, front middle cowlick, 61 lbs, named Ezra or Chloe, with a 70 lb weight gain for the mother!
Annelise: Boy, born May 22 @ 12:00 pm, blond hair, blue eyes, front left cowlick, 8 lbs. named Kyle or Ellie with a 20 lb. weight gain for the mother.
Jonathan: Boy, May 25th @4 am, brown hair, brown eyes, front middle cowlick, 6 lbs, named Michael or Olivia with a 13 lb. weight gain for the mother.
Emilie: Girl, born May 20th @ 5 pm, blond hair, blue eyes, front right side cowlick and front left side cowlick, 6 lbs, named Evan or Brooklyn with a 7 lbs weight gain for the mother.
Steve: Boy, born May 17th @ 3:31 pm, brown hair, green eyes, front right side cowlick, 7.8 lbs, named William Oscar or Olivia, with a 51 lbs weight gain for the mother (some secrets are meant to be forgotten!)

Upcoming changes: Ezra will be moved onto Jonathan's bottom bunk, with Jonathan being moved to the top, a new car seat will be purchased, but, not to disappoint, there will be no Ford Econoline Van, thus the end of an era.


marilee said...

Great predictions... I stop counting once the weight goes past 40...at least you lose all of yours!

Gretta Spendlove said...

You'd have to give up a lot of gorgonzola cheese and proscuitto to meet Emilie's prediction of a 7-lb. weight gain! What a witty and wonderful description of how children get out the news...
Love, Mom

Chris Ebert said...

I love the predictions and the names that have been chosen. Camille - What is your prediction? You feeling like this is a boy or a girl?

May 22nd, 6:36 am ET. Both you and Marilee will go into labor at the same time.

You will have another girl and name her Olivia Grace and Marilee will have a Boy and name him William (Will) Cristopher.

I will plan on a phone call at 6:37am ET as you are both enroute to the hospitals. LOL

Give the kids my love and make sure to enjoy your cravings.

David Spendlove said...

My prediction:

May 20th, 5:30 Am ET. Name: Rupert (Boy) Maude (girl)

Carolyn Ebert said...

Especially fun to read the predictions. I remember having a prediction contest with Gaby and Steve winning the Cafe Rio gift certificate grand prize.

Love the name William. If Gaby had been a boy, William was at the top of our list. Both of us have great grandfathers named William O. (Oscar from the Bentleys and Oliver from the Sperrys on my side.) Will is a great nickname too.

Your cravings make my mouth water. Yum! With G, I craved cocktail onions, green olives, mizithra cheese, and vanilla ice cream when I had always been a chocolate ice cream girl. Crazy stuff.

marilee said...

Do you know when you'll be able to have your BIG ultrasound? I've scheduled mine for December 22nd. I'll be 18 1/2 weeks. Would be fun if we both knew for Christmas!