Friday, September 18, 2009

She Made it!

Tonight Emilie's friend, Maddie, called. The conversation immediately crescendoed, I heard a click, the phone drop and footsteps racing up the stairs. Emilie lept into my arms. "I made it! I made it!" On Tuesday Emilie had tried out for Select Choir, the equivalent of Madrigals on the high school level. She hesitated to try out. Only a few sixth graders would be chosen, her teacher warned. Emilie told me that all of her friends who had tried out had parents and siblings with singing backgrounds. She was right. Lizzy's mom sings in a band and Sarah's family preforms in local musicals. I decided there was no point in mentioning that I actually did sing in the school choirs throughout junior high and high school. I didn't consider myself a singer then and I don't now. I couldn't offer much help in her prepared piece, except for being the pianist, so I got my friend, Julie Berry, who is the ward choir director on the phone and set up a time for Emilie to run through her piece a few times with her. Julie had great advice and sent us home with a few ideas to practice, which we did, over and over late into the night. The next morning I sent Emilie off to school, proud of her risk taking and excitement to try new things. Tonight the results were posted online and sure enough, Emilie's name was included. She will sing soprano 1 and preform throughout the year at concerts in school assemblies, around our town, and even in Boston. She will meet weekly, on Wednesdays, at 7:00 am for practices. She also is enrolled in the school choir as an elective course.
Congratulations Emilie!        


Marilyn said...

Emilie, Congratulations!! So many wonderful things happening in the Boston Ebert home..I love that you can sing, I wish this talent came from me! LOVE You, Grandma E.

Gretta Spendlove said...

How wonderful, Emilie! You are such a talented girl. I especially admire your willingness to take risks and try out for things, even if you might be disappointed--because lots of times it turns out great! You will be a wonderful addition to the choir and a great ambassador for your school! Love, Grandma Gretta

marilee said...

Way too go Emilie! I am so proud of you... You are going to have sooooooooo much fun!

Carolyn Ebert said...

Hey this is Harrison. Congrats emilie! I'm so happy for you . It will be a very fun year.

Carolyn Ebert said...

Congratulations! You are going to have such fun! Keep us informed. We want to hear all about it!

Jonny said...


How awesome. You are setting such a good example for the rest of your family! Jenny and I would love to hear you sing sometime.

David Spendlove said...


You are great. Congratulations!!!! When I vist I expect that you will sing for me.


Anonymous said...

First, I would like to thank you for the lovely note that you left me in June Emilie. I just received it in September and it made my day. I am so proud of you and I did not even know that you were a singer. In class you were so timid especially when it came to singing. I guess that you will never stop surprising me. Just wanted to let you know that I miss your smile and I am so proud of you. It's amazing that 6 of the 8 girls that are in your pictures were all from my class. I was a very lucky teacher to have had such talented and amazing young ladies. Take care and sing with all of your heart. Your teacher and freind always. Mr. Manuel