Saturday, April 17, 2010

Two for Two

This year the Pine Wood Derby rolled around quickly. Steve had been out of town and suddenly we realized that the biggest scouting night of the year had arrived. The boys, Steve, Jonathan, and Ezra, set up a card table in the basement and began designing, sanding, hammering, painting and weighting. With only a few hours, there was no time for miscalculations, damaged wood or lop-sided wheels. A quick last minute trip to the model car store resulted in a few good tips. With the car complete and a crock pot of chili in the hatch back, Steve whisked Jonathan and his cheering crew off to the cultural hall. Last year's Ute car took in third place over all. Now that prize may be out of reach, Jonathan thought. A good run was all he hoped for. But after the first few heats, Jonathan began feeling confident in his Colts racer. With his friends at his side and his sister cheering loud, Jonathan not only won first in his troop, but second over all.
The race was a success!
(But now we need a lesson in procrastination!)


Craig Ebert said...

Sweet win! Colts, come on Jono?

Marilyn said...

Hey, it guys must be living right! I remember several weeks, and many late nights on the pinewood cars, that was one time that I was grateful when jeff turned 12. Way to go Jono!!

Jonny said...

Jono, nice ribbon man. I also came in second place in the derby - to Uncle Mike.

Carolyn Ebert said...

Fun! How does he get away with wearing that hat?

Gretta Spendlove said...

Jono, what a star! I'm impressed that Steve can produce a winner without other adult advisors. As I recall, Dave had a bunch of his friends telling exactly how to weight the wheels, a ratio of a couple of men to each boy!