Sunday, April 25, 2010


This year was a milestone in our lives. Emilie turned twelve. Everything seems to have changed. Junior high began, Young Womens consumes us, we have a babysitter in our house and parenting seems more like friendship. Celebrating this event began early on March 31st, before the sun rose. Emilie was to be picked up at 6:35 in the morning for Select Choir, so that meant the waffles had to begin by 5:45. Unfortunately, it also meant that along with her breakfast in bed, Emilie was serenaded by her mother's solo instead of a room full of Eberts wishing her year well. After school, Emilie and I spent the afternoon at the mall, shopping for plaids, Converses, summer shorts and flip flops, lip glosses and earrings. We met the rest of the family for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and then departed in different directions.
For several weeks I had kept it secret that the Young Women were coming to "heart attack" Emilie's room while we were out to dinner. Despite obstacles, we were able to keep their plan a secret. I brought Emilie back home to a silent house. She flipped off her shoes and then casually went to her room. Just as she turned on her light, her young women friends jumped out and shouted, "Happy Birthday!"Emilie covered her face and screamed. Clearly the secret was a surprise! The chitter chatter began and the Young Women leaders eventually had to pull the girls back to their cars. Emilie's room was plastered with hearts and her favorite candies, Lindt chocolates, Toblerones and Kit Kats, were scattered about. I knew that Young Women's would be a wonderful place for Emilie.
We ended the night with four different slices of cheesecake to share, songs of Happy Birthday and gifts to unwrap that had been shipped from across the country.
What a wonderful birthday Emilie had.


Chris Ebert said...

Happy Birthday to my Beautiful Niece.. I am so proud of you and happy to be your Aunt. Love, aunt Christine (your favorite)-LOL

Craig Ebert said...


Christine may claim the favorite Aunt status, but I claim to be the favorite Uncle! Looks like a great birthday. We all look forward to seeing you later this summer.

Love, Uncle Craig

marilee said...

What a fun 12th birthday for Emilie! I remember how much fun it was to enter into young womens. Emilie, I hope you have a wonderful 12th year. I love you...

Gretta Spendlove said...

What a lovely young lady! You have so many talents, Emilie. You're sweet and good, an excellent student, very pretty, and someone who makes good friends easily. Enjoy all the excitement of Young Women and the teenage years to follow.

David Spendlove said...


I am so lucky to have you as a grand daughter. You are such a wonderful young lady. It always makes me happy to be around you