Wednesday, April 18, 2012


In anticipating the different phases of our trip, the part that caused me the most anxiety was transportation involving the UK. I am happy to report success. I was worried about getting my car on to the Chunnel, back and forth on ferries and, of course, driving on the left side of the road. It turned out that all of my fears were unfounded. Other than paying a premium for not reserving a ticket at least 24 hours in advance, the Chunnel was uneventful. We sat in our car on a train for 30 minutes and then drove up onto England. I tried to do a little research beforehand regarding tips for driving on the left side of the road, but only found in online forums that it is not something to worry about. One comment said not to worry about the driving in the UK, but to definitely avoid driving in the hilltop towns in Italy or in the small villages in Southern Spain. We all thought that was funny! I survived there, so I figured that I could handle the UK. It helped to be driving a car with the steering wheel on the left side, I am sure.


Jonny said...

Thanks for the picture of the cars driving into the train. I've always wondered how that worked.

Kari said...

Whew! Great, that you had no problems driving on the left side of the road! Frank tried that in New Zealand.

Interesting, how that works--getting your car onto the train. :)

Mike Spendlove said...

Wow, I didn't even know cars went through the Chunnel on a train... for some reason I thought there was a road down there too.

Gretta Spendlove said...

I am convinced, at this point, Camille, that you can do anything!