Friday, April 13, 2012


Before we left for Europe, I asked Sarah if there was anything that she hoped that we would see. Her one request was Giverny. It was on my list too, so we were both excited when we headed out of Paris and found it. The weather had been rainy and cold, but just as we arrived in the quaint town, the skies cleared. The garden glistened with the sun hitting the rain drops, still clinging to spring flowers. 
My children have studied Claude Monet in school, they have read a small selection of children books that I have picked up over the years about Monet and his gardens, and shared in my excitement at the MFA in Boston when viewing the Monet collection, which is one of the best outside of Paris. We also had just come from the Musee d'Orsey, which is full of Monets. It was fun to watch them wander the gardens, looking for the ponds, bridges and lily pads that they had just seen in his paintings. 
One of my favorite parts of Giverny was the tour through his pale pink house. I especially loved his study, packed with his art projects, hanging off the walls. 
Our visit to Monet's garden was the perfect way to end our week in Paris. 


Mike Spendlove said...

Looks like you guys picked a great time of year to visit, with all the tulips in bloom! Also, what great pictures of you and your family; I'm sure you'll love those years later!

Gretta Spendlove said...

That top photo is spectacular! What beautiful colors! That must have been a real "high" for you, Camille, to see your children synthesizing all the information you have given them, from so many sources, about Monet. What good teaching! Love, Mom