Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Making Do

Poor Mia. We had to choose wisely when packing, so her toys were left behind, including her favorite doll. Quite frankly, "baba", her blanket, was lucky to make it in the suitcase. Mia has made do, by adopting one of our water bottles. She wraps it in her blanket, puts it to sleep, cuddles with it and sings it songs. As soon as we return to America we will find that favorite doll and put the water bottle in a high cupboard, where it belongs. The water bottle works for now, but it is not an imiginary friend that we want to have stick around!


Jonny said...

That's ingenuity at work (it's also hilarious and very cute).

Gretta Spendlove said...

Sweet Mia! So uncomplaining and good-natured. We love her. Mom

David Spendlove said...

Mia is all woman. There is the true story of the little girl whose parents didn't want her to have dolls and gave her a little toy fire truck. She just turned the truck into a doll and kept cuddling it.